Welcome to the Poison Finance Docs
What is Poison Finance?
Poison Finance is a Decentralized Multi-chain Synthetic Assets (Potions) issuance protocol built on Arbitrum, Binance Smart Chain, and soon Ethereum mainnet and more.
Synthetic Potions (pTokens) are collateralized primarily by stablecoins like BUSD, USDT, USDC, DAI, and FRAX which, when locked in the Vault Contract, enable the issuance of Potions. Synthetic Potions mimic the price behavior of real-world assets like stocks, commodities, and ETFs - giving traders anywhere in the world open access to price exposure without the implications of owning or trading real assets.
The minting of Potions is decentralized and is handled by users of the protocol alone. Poison Finance ensures that there is always sufficient collateral within the protocol to cover Potion value.
The Poison Token (POI$ON) is minted by the protocol according to its vesting schedule and distributed as an award to support conduct that secures the ecosystem. Poison Protocol ensures liquid Potion markets by rewarding POI$ON to users who stake LPs obtained through providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges. Moreover, POI$ON is valuable as it can be staked to receive voting privileges and to earn a share of the protocol's Vault withdrawal and liquidation fees by wrapping it into iPOISON.
Poison is a project developed and steered by its community. Its markets are maintained by its own users through POI$ON incentives, and the protocol evolves with new ideas through democratic governance.
Last updated